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Here is one of the only places I can express myself and actually be ME. Hope you enjoy seeing the real me as much as I do.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

When I Think (reply to LKK's Writing Craze

Dear Diary,

Hey everyone. So this is just basically a response to LKK's blog, The Writing Craze. If you want to check it out go to www.lkkthewritingcraze.blogspot.com!!There you can read Story Spotlights, book reviews, special notes, and anything that my friend Ames feels like putting up there!!

So here's my response:

Found my thinking spot wayy too long ago. I totally agree that the shower is thinking place number one to the max! Just play some music in the background and stand under the warm water... I think we do that because its one of those only times we're just standing still not doing anything... Mystery to me though.

Secondly, I think a lot before I go to sleep. Nicole Gerena at school said, "Sometimes I lay awake at night and pretend I'm a carrot." I actually have to agree. Not with the carrot part, but just staying awake and thinking everything out. Again another time of not doing anything but relaxing. If you're not mentally tired your mind just wanders off itself. For me I play out my dreams in my head or pretend to vlog. (video blog) And other times you just think about things going on around you.

Sometimes when you have an issue that has been bugging you for a while you need to think it out. So take a break from your busy schedule, as in put down your iPod, turn off your computer, get outta bed, shut off the tv, close your door, and take a seat. Think it all out.

If that doesn't work sometimes you can write it out. Email, text, notebook, whiteboard. And if you do that every week then there is a special term for that...

America calls it a diary.

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