Welcome to Dear Diary.com

Here is one of the only places I can express myself and actually be ME. Hope you enjoy seeing the real me as much as I do.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Dear Diary,

Hey. I miss LG and her amazing, out of control posts. Anyone else with me?

I mean, I'm not mad or anything, but I miss waiting for her crazy posts to appear a few minutes after mine...

The Austin & Ally's remind of her, too. I was gonna watch the new one tonight, but we got home late from a Bible study, and mum wouldn't let me. I bet'cha she watched it AND loved it!! I wish I know what happened...

Who knows where our beloved LG went...

This incredibly short post is dedicated to LG, who I hope reads this and assures me she didn't die and didn't get wiped off the face of the earth.

(Hey! Her words not mine!!)

See ya'll tomorrow before first period!

She who doesn't want to go to school tomorrow,

*•The Secret Source•*
"Missing LG..."

Actually posted at: 9:08 PM

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Book Reports, Crushes, and Sighs of Relief

Dear Diary,

Yeah. Title sorta gives out today's talkabout. Btw, is that even a word?

First of all, book reports. Who remembers back in ol' second grade where we did our cereal box project? At least I think that was second grade. Coulda' been third.

Anyway, that's what Ann spent the whole day doing. She's one uh those last minute people. It's due Tuesday (W & I's Friendiversary) and we got bible study tomorrow.

So then there's the process of writing a rough draft, making a final one, then drawing the dang picture. Who remembers that?


It was like, 12 pm, and I just woke up. (who also does this??) Mom made me get out of bed for one reason:

To proofread Ann's paper.

Ugh, ikr!! Just because I'm in English Honors, doesn't mean I have to do English-honor-y stuff at home!!!

Then, like, two hours later, she made me get off my iPod and help her with the drawing!!! And here's the thing,

She didn't even draw it!! Mom and I drew it for her then she colored it in!!

*sighs* Atleast I get allowance for helping...

Oh! So remember how LG mentiined she's in my actual diary?

She is.

And, I got something else to admit...

I kinda sorta maybe have a teensy wittle tiny (why am I talking like this?) crush on someone.

*cue 500 gasps here*

Yeh, ikr.

LG (in diary form) learned today and started panicking. I actually wrote it pretty funny today, so if I ever tell you, (which I really doubt) I'll have to write a post on what the diary said... LG in diary form is half surprised half mad at me...

I can see why, since I kept stalling for like, ev!!!

Lastly, we got a sigh of relief.

*sighs in relief*

You better believe it.

Today my mom found out I had a blog. It was actually pretty obvious since I kept dropping huge hints so I wouldn't get in trouble, but she did find out. And my sigh told you something:

... She wasn't mad!!!

Although I got the normal parent conversation of you know, the "don't post pics or say your real name" and stuff like that.

I'm actually pretty happy now that she knows.

(I'm alot happier that she said she wasn't gonna read it. She'd freak out at the things I say on here)

Well, it's getting late and I'm tired although my 12 pm sleep.

See ya'll tomorrow (LG, I'm expecting a post!!!!),

*•The Secret Source•*
"Hey! No saying ANYTHING about crushes unless you know me really well (Perfectionist and Uncle A)!!!

Actually Posted at: 10:42 PM

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dear Diary,

Sorry I missed yesterday!! Middle school ALWAYS makes me tired.

I guess that's what weekends are for...

Today was an interesting day... Sorta sad for me...

W Update: 4 Days Until our Friendiversary. Still with Ames and Kat, she talked to me like, 6 times today!! To clarify, when we were the "best of friends," we'd talk like, 100 or more. Farther each day...

But each day, I'm always closer to V Perfectionist and Hail. Those are the top two right now plus D, who I haven't talked about yet.

Btw, does anyone know any cheap vintage clothing store besides Goodwill??? Email is good contact!!

Back to being behind in art (thanks alot, Perfectionist!!!!!), but poor LG is farther. We'll have to help her.

Oh, and is anyone else SUPER confused about the vid posted on Random Ramble?

(Say "I!!!")

My eyes are a bit red abd puffy from today's laughing and crying, but I'll be k...

Good nite, ya'll,

*•The Secret Soure•*

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Grumpy Ann

Dear Diary,

Today's Wednesday, right? It feels like Monday. And when I think it's Monday, NOTHING goes right!!

Luckily, LG is back at school and feeling a little better. Although I'm probably sicker than her... I'm hoping to see a post tonight... If not, she was wiped off the face of the earth at 5:30!!!!!

Atleast that's what she told me! Go figure.

Today wasn't much dif with W... She's still with Ames...

Um... I guess I could officially say Nel has something up her sleeve. And when Ames and Kenz hear about it, they're gonna go all detective-y again like they did with me when Ames saw me drawing in Math.

... That was sorta weird...

And NOW I gotta worry about some "Got Talent" thing at school. I barely have enough courage to do stuff in front of my family, let alone the whole middle school! Kenz has an idea, but I'm honestly not sure...

I mean, the idea's awesome, but I'm not... (remember the health triangle? The lowest for me is mental...)

Plus, what if other people do dancing too? It's not called competition for a reason! I'm already scared to death, and we don't even know if we're doing it yet!!

I'm probably gonna be like Playa and hyperventilate...

And then there's my sister...

My little sis is one of those people who when they get tired, they get cranky.

And I mean REALLY cranky. We were at Publix and we got those free cookies. When Ann was dine eating her's, she kept poking me for some of mine.

When I wouldn't give some to her, she started whing to her mommy and was all like, " The Secret Source is being a meanie and won't give me any of her cookie!!!"

I gave her a look and said I'd eat it later.

And she said, "But then it'll get all hard and no one can eat it!!! You're not smart!!"

I almost smacked her. She smart-mouths me all the time, and it's SOOOO annoying!

Then, she got all whiny how she was cold and hungry!!

When we were checking out, she kept moving the cart back and forth and giving me dirty looks.

And she went to sleep like a baby and woke up like nothing was wrong!!!!

I started calling her Grumpy Ann.


I have a mixture of sadness, stage fright, anger, happiness, and confusion...

Oh! And I'm tired!

...... Nite nite!!!


*•The Secret Source•*
"Shhh!!! I'm tired!!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hot 'n Cold

Dear Diary,

Today I had my up and downs like every normal day... It kinda reminds me of the song Hot 'n Cold by Katy Perry!! Here's my explanation:

Hot: Early to school and chatting with friends
Cold: LG not being here 'cuz she's sick :(((

Yes: No taco from Pierce today!!!
No: Ugh, 30 flashcards? You gotta be kidding me!!

In: Ha! First to get the oreo from Perfectionist!
Out: Playa throws more nasty comments...

Wrong: Still behind in art...
Right: V Perfectionist has a new name: A Perfectionist!!!

Black: Left iPod touch at McDonald's, got in trouble. not allowed to bring iPod to school!!!!
White: W knows 'bout Friendiversary!!!

(I just hope I sidn't offend her or anything)

So that was my day!! Now do you see why I thought of that song?

If your new to my blog, go to the right where it says archive, and press or click 2012 then scroll ALLLL the way down to the first post and learn how it all started!!

Until next time,

*cues Hot 'n Cold music and starts dancing*

*•The Secret Source•*

Actually Posted at 7:40 PM

Monday, January 23, 2012

Farther and Farther Away...

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I think I have an on/off bf. I mean, I can't add the last f because it means forever and I just said on and off.

In real life, I wuz just talking really fast so I'm glad this is being typed...

"Artwork" is still echoing, and everyday seems as if we're getting farther away...

W and I, I mean.

Today I barely talked to her. Just V Perfectionist, LG, and lil' quiet Hail.

Hail barely ever speaks and I think she talks to me more than W does!!

What really hits me hard, though, is that our made-up (I say that because we don't know the official date) Best Friendiversary is coming up on the 31st and I'm not even sure if W knows about it or even thought about it!!!!!

I try hard not to be selfish with W with other people (besides Dude with that I don't care) but when I don't be, I'm like invisible and W's always with Amester or Kat!!

It hurts like betrayal, and boy, do I know what that feels like!! This is probably worst!

I'm livin' out second grade all over again... Except this one isn't interfering with my love life, that is...

I would tell W personally, but I know for a fact that I would cry if I do!! And I'm already low standards in my grade... Possibly the whole school, too...

Don't feel sorry for me, or embarressed of why you are reading something personal.

I mean, it's not like life could get any worse than it already is...

Although I have to admit I have five other awesome besties who would always be there for me, but they don't live in my neighborhood...

Crying in My Pillow Again,

*•The Secret Source•*
"Who's tired of the drama..."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life or Death

Dear Diary,

Today I'm gonna write responses to everyone since I didn't have much of an exiting day...

First, LG, you probably didn't give me much sicknesses mostly because I have a cold, not a fever. And... I guess that's it...

Secondly, The Writing Club by Ames sounds SO much cooler than sitting around for an hour and a half of waiting for my sister to finish dance. Dunno how we're gonna do it though...


Lastly, for me, this blog probably won't last... :((((

My parents are super overprotective, and I haven't told them about Dear Diary.com. They'll probably freak and tell me to stop making posts and stuff. Although they were pretty ok with when I had a website, but who knows now that I'm older!!! I was only in 4th grade when I did my first website!!! This website will either live or die...

It's a life or death situation!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I've always wanted to say that!

Well, I'm obviously bored so I'm gonna gonna play with some random apps.

Pray for me that my parents may be ok with it or not find out at all... Not sure what to do!!

Hate to Go Back to School Tomorrow,

*•The Secret Source•*

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sicknesses, Friend Fusses, and dead lizards

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up and learned I got sick. Probably a collection and mixture of my friends'. My nose is super stuffy, I keep coughing, and I have a sore throat... It really stinks.

And then I still have this weird feeling on my hand...

So I was going through the junk we have at home for this organization called Jump 'n Jax where you bring stuff that you don't want and you bring it to this place where other people can buy it if they want. Its sorta like Goodwill, but more expensive and you get your stuff back if no one buys it.

Anyways, I was going through this huge cardboard box with a bunch a tossed stuff in it that was in the den/exercise room/library. I finally got to the bottom of it, and I wasn't really looking at it much. And then I pulled out something that I had no idea what it was. It was a skeleton of a dead lizard!!!

I repeat: A DEAD LIZARD SKELETON!!!!!!!!!

So I did what a normal person would do. I screamed and threw it across the room. Normal, right?

It was gross, and I kept panicking for like, three hours. It was GROSS!!

Save me.

But luckily, after yesterday's incident with Kat and W, I got to spend about an hour with W. I guess it's k, but that's what I thought last time when she was with Amester... "Artwork" is still echoing in my ears...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm like that to V Perfectionist. I gotta be more careful about that...

Speaking of being careful, LG you better watch what you say, woman!!!!! Jeez, my head hurts from yelling today...

I need rest!!! Too many thoughts hurt my brain.

Catcha' lata,

*•The Secret Source•*

Friday, January 20, 2012

Laugh it off!!!

Dear Diary,

Ever had one uh those days where you just don't feel right in the morning, and some things just don't go your way?

That was my day in the real world today...

So today my sister, Anna Zap, had dance or watev. I sidn't have anything 2 do so I hoped I could go home with bestie, W. W is awesome, and really messy. Not as messy as others I know, but messy. Unfortunetly for me, she was spending the day with her bestie, Kat.

I love both Kat and W, but sometimes when I'm around them, I feel as if I'm invisible. And sometimes, it really hurts.

One day, Amester, Kenz, W, and I were playing. Problem is, I'm invisible when W is around Ames.

That very day, I cried in my pillow... (That normally helps alot!)

Ever since, I still kinda cry in my pillow. Like today, for example.

The only bright side is that I got my Starbucks. That always helps. That, and my super awesome other besties, LG, Nel, and V Perfectionist, have this super special way of cheering me up: laughter.

A... friend once told me: laughter is the best medicine! It's been proven you live longer when you laugh!!

You know what? I like blogging! It makes me... *giggles* laugh!!

I have a new theory! For me, and those reading! "Life may put you down, but you have the strength to get back up!! Don't stay down and cry, but laugh it off!!"

I hope everyone who reads this uses the encouragement brought to you!!

When life gives you lemons, you make sure to make lemonade and give it to LG before she poisons you with Dark Side cookies!!

Wait- That wasn't one bit encouraging... Hmmm... Scratch that!! Just make lemonade!!!

Until next time,

*•The Secret Source•*


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Starting Off Right

Hey ya'll! If your reading this, I probably know you well enough to trust you completely!

... You're lucky!!

This blog was created for me to share my emotions and even my feelings with you. From my super random friends who make my life fun, to my own love life! My story starts now!

In my very own diary.

Dear Diary,

So how exactly do you start something like this? How do you start it right for Pete's sake?

Or as one of my bff's, A&A addict, says, for Peeta's sake!!

A&A is my art buddiE who also has a blog. You know her as LG! She's another biggy in my life along with my two EQUALLY IMPORTANT besties, D & W. Along with them, comes Uncle A, Nel, Amester, Mackenzie, Kat, V Perfect, Hail, and me! The one and only, secret source!!

OMG! Today during 6th period, the other 6th grade class was playing a game called last man standing where you try to pull other people's flags. There is this kid code-named Rocco Nicholas and he was running from Peyton Tyes. He was running, running, running a lil' more... than - BAM! Peyton pulled his flag and Rocca toppled over. As Peyton Pulled his flag... wait for it... He accidently pants him!!! It was LOL histarical!!

And a bit gross...

Wow, look at the time! I wonder if this is what you call starting right. It's getting kinda late and my parents would kill me it they knew what I was doing.

Post a comment on if you think this is starting right, and maybe even some tips!

Catcha' lata, and wish me luck in the real world!!!

Saying good bye for the day,

**•The Secret Source•**