Welcome to Dear Diary.com

Here is one of the only places I can express myself and actually be ME. Hope you enjoy seeing the real me as much as I do.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Dear Diary,

Hey. I miss LG and her amazing, out of control posts. Anyone else with me?

I mean, I'm not mad or anything, but I miss waiting for her crazy posts to appear a few minutes after mine...

The Austin & Ally's remind of her, too. I was gonna watch the new one tonight, but we got home late from a Bible study, and mum wouldn't let me. I bet'cha she watched it AND loved it!! I wish I know what happened...

Who knows where our beloved LG went...

This incredibly short post is dedicated to LG, who I hope reads this and assures me she didn't die and didn't get wiped off the face of the earth.

(Hey! Her words not mine!!)

See ya'll tomorrow before first period!

She who doesn't want to go to school tomorrow,

*•The Secret Source•*
"Missing LG..."

Actually posted at: 9:08 PM

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