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Here is one of the only places I can express myself and actually be ME. Hope you enjoy seeing the real me as much as I do.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Farther and Farther Away...

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I think I have an on/off bf. I mean, I can't add the last f because it means forever and I just said on and off.

In real life, I wuz just talking really fast so I'm glad this is being typed...

"Artwork" is still echoing, and everyday seems as if we're getting farther away...

W and I, I mean.

Today I barely talked to her. Just V Perfectionist, LG, and lil' quiet Hail.

Hail barely ever speaks and I think she talks to me more than W does!!

What really hits me hard, though, is that our made-up (I say that because we don't know the official date) Best Friendiversary is coming up on the 31st and I'm not even sure if W knows about it or even thought about it!!!!!

I try hard not to be selfish with W with other people (besides Dude with that I don't care) but when I don't be, I'm like invisible and W's always with Amester or Kat!!

It hurts like betrayal, and boy, do I know what that feels like!! This is probably worst!

I'm livin' out second grade all over again... Except this one isn't interfering with my love life, that is...

I would tell W personally, but I know for a fact that I would cry if I do!! And I'm already low standards in my grade... Possibly the whole school, too...

Don't feel sorry for me, or embarressed of why you are reading something personal.

I mean, it's not like life could get any worse than it already is...

Although I have to admit I have five other awesome besties who would always be there for me, but they don't live in my neighborhood...

Crying in My Pillow Again,

*•The Secret Source•*
"Who's tired of the drama..."

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