Welcome to Dear Diary.com

Here is one of the only places I can express myself and actually be ME. Hope you enjoy seeing the real me as much as I do.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Purpose In The World

Dear Diary,

Long time no see... Heh heh... Yeh...

So... Good news? LG has herself a cell!! Lucky her... A nice, NEW cell phone to get...

Sorry, I pretty much lost my voice (again) and currently hating it.

Ah, well. Let's talk about Wednesday and practice, shall we... (I sound like an old person about to tell a story!)

K, first it all started when we went to get pizzas at Little Caesar's. I went in with Droplet, and Ann, Ms. Waller, Dallas, and W stayed in the car. I paid for the pizzas with the money Ms. Waller gave me then went in the car.

The two pizza boxes were so hot that when I gave them to Dallas and W, they burned their legs/lap!!

All I have to say is that I warned them...

We went home (W's house) and ate the pizzas, and during lunch Dude came.

Just during that event there was some screaming from Dallas and W. I just sat peacefully at the table somewhat texting LG and Alex.

Then we put Dallas' drum set together and THAT was awesome!! I'll post a pic lates when I receive it!! That took about forty minutes to put that together, and then we sorta started.

We did really well for the first time!! I should know, because I'm pretty much the only person who can hear it clearly, being the dancer in the background and all that.

Every time we played and messed up we were somewhat getting stronger and learning.

I, on the other hand, still have to choreograph a dance, so pray that God would help me, even if I don't want to.

Then all we did was play the last hour out on the swings in the back.

My tummy hurts from where Dallas stepped on it and I betcha Dude has a bruise...

From the amazing heart-wrenching lemon war!!

As y'all should be informed, the Wallers' have a lemon tree in their backyard. Not the small, puny lemons at the grocery store. The bigger than a grapefruit lemons!!

Dallas, as I call her, Destructive, picked up a lemon and, as Dude was walking behind her, threw it at Dude and nailed him right in the leg.

Falling to the ground, he picked up the lemon and threw it at Dallas. Then, he tried to throw it at W and failed miserably. I just sat on the swing the whole war.

Then, since they were yelled at, I moved over to the edge of the pool and then the Battle of Tennis and a Volleyball Balls began, with Team Peeta (off the Hunger Games) and The Girls Team (they were never officially named).

So then we went back to the swings and then Dallas' mum came.

The three went inside, but I didn't follow. I just stayed on the swing. I was told they called me in, but they did a lousy effort at trying to get me inside. They showed it to Dallas' mum without me.

I mean, I guess it's my fault for not coming in, but... My conscience is telling me not to tell you why I didn't go in...

Basically it's like me with the Circle of Six being the outsider and what not.

Which, by the way, was split up in half. Now we're just two triangles. Well, sometimes a square and a line.

I think I may just join the Divas or something.

But I can't now.

One, W would be mad at me forever.

Two, Repeat already started practicing (not that they need me too much).

Three, the Divas already started practicing.

And Four, I can't back down from a fight.

I wanna see the rainbow at the end of the battle. But I can't have a rainbow without any rain.

My pain is for a reason. I'm going to stay strong. Even though that may include some emotional suffering and physical pain dancing, I'm not backing down. What doesn't kill me is just making me stronger.

And that's my purpose in the world.

So... What's your's?

1 comment:

  1. 1-My purpose in the world? Uh...I'll get back to you on that one.

    2-Team Peeta? Go Hunger Games! Even though I really don't like having teams at all and Peeta isn't all that high on my favorites list.

    3-I want one of those huge lemons! Can they seriously get that big?

    4-An old guy telling stories? I might be rubbing off on you!

