Welcome to Dear Diary.com

Here is one of the only places I can express myself and actually be ME. Hope you enjoy seeing the real me as much as I do.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Dear Diary,

Nervousness... Nervousness...

*bites nails*

Umm... Explanation? The MMS (my middle school) Talent Show Auditions is already a few days away, and I'm TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!!!!

W and I are singing to an awesome song called Live Like There's No Tomorrow.

Check it out!

It's an awesome song and all that, but how the heck am I supposed to sing in front of hundreds of people?!?!?!

I can barely Stand up the courage to sing for auditions!!!

Please help me!

Nervousness... Nervousness...

To be continued... Where hopefully I'll still have my nails...

*•The Secret Source•*

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!

    To be honest, I'm not even comfortable singing alone, let alone in front of my parents. Forget a crowd of strangers.

    Though I'd love to hear you!
